Founded in 1966, America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC (formerly ACRE®) is the federal political action committee (PAC) of the nation’s electric co-ops. This PAC supports political candidates who will speak for and protect the interests of electric co-ops and their members. Backed by over 35,000 individuals making an average annual contribution of $65, the PAC is truly grassroots.
NRECA has recently announced an exciting new change for its political action committee, ACRE®. After careful consideration and research, they are transitioning ACRE to a new name and visual identity that align more closely to the people and organizations it represents: America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC.
Though the name “ACRE” was effective when it was first established, today’s policymakers, do not make the connection between ACRE contributions and the electric co-ops that support the PAC. As NRECA continues its advocacy efforts on behalf of the membership, it is critical that all advocacy programs strongly connect back to the political identity of America’s electric cooperatives.
The law allows individuals with common interests to pool their resources using PACs in order to make political contributions to candidates for state and federal office. Candidates who receive a substantial contribution from AEC PAC get an important message about your interest in your local community’s electric cooperative. The candidate knows that the electric cooperative memberss and employees who supported them want to elect individuals to office who will make good policy decisions on their behalf.
Contributions to AEC PAC go to federal candidate campaigns that support electric cooperatives. Additionally, 50% of your contribution is returned to Ohio's Electric Cooperatives to support candidates for state office.
No. The Internal Revenue Service has ruled that all political contributions are not tax deductible.
The most important benefit that you receive s a voice in helping elect state and federal officials that will support policies that positively impact your cooperative and your community.
Your co-op's ability to serve you and your community is heavily dependent on folks like you who use AEC PAC to get the right people into political office. The personal dedication of members to stand together forms the backbone of a powerful grassroots network that promotes policies to secure the future of your electric cooperative and the families they serve. This is an opportunity to make a difference.
AEC PAC follows established procedures for making contributions to candidates running for political office. Factors that determine financial support include the candidate’s position on issues critical to electric cooperatives, as well as their votes and public statements on these issues; the candidate’s committee assignments and leadership positions and his or her relative importance to cooperatives; and a candidate’s financial need and the strength of his or her opponent. The candidate’s political affiliation is never taken into account.
Click on the blue button at the bottom of the page to fill out a membership form today!
Monthly bill addition to support America's Electric Cooperatives PAC:
Regular ($25) membership. I authorize this deduction to be made in the amount of $2.08 per month. I understand this will make my contribution to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC $25 each year.
Ambassador Club ($50) membership. I authorize this deduction to be made in the amount of $4.16 per month. I understand this will make my contribution to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC $50 each year.
Century Club ($100) membership. I authorize this deduction to be made in the amount of $8.32 per month. I understand this will make my contribution to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC $100 each year.
*Vice President’s Club ($250) membership. I authorize this deduction to be made in the amount of $20.84 per month. I understand this will make my contribution to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC $250 each year.
*President’s Club ($500) membership. I authorize this deduction to be made in the amount of $41.67 per month. I understand this will make my contribution to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC $500 each year.
*Leadership Circle ($1,000) membership. I authorize this deduction to be made in the amount of $83.34 per month. I understand this will make my contribution to America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC $1,000 each year.
Or other amount you desire to give per month.
*Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200.
Your voice matters!
As a member of an Ohio electric cooperative, your voice matters to our members of Congress.
Urge Congress to work with electric cooperatives to meet both federal public policy goals and your need for affordable, reliable electricity.
Go to https://voicesforcooperativepower.com and make your voice heard.

VCP is a network of electric co-op members working together to influence elected officials who are making energy policy decisions that impact our co-ops and, by extension, our way of life.
Today’s energy decisions determine if there are enough resources for the lights to come on tomorrow. State and federal policies are driving many of the factors that play into the ongoing energy transition.
Now more than ever, as members of VCP and owners of our co-ops, we need to make our voices heard in conversations about energy policies that impact not only our co-op services, but the communities we call home.
To learn more go to: https://voicesforcooperativepower.com