Operation Round Up is an effort of Logan County Electric Cooperative's members whose monthly donations are used to benefit organizations serving our local community.
All questions can be directed to Ashley Oakley, staff liaison to Operation Round-Up, 937-651-6987 or aoakley@logancounty.coop

The Logan County Community Connection Fund consists of voluntary Operation Round Up® (ORU) contributions from members of the Logan County Electric Cooperative on their electric bill. Operation Round Up® grants are awarded to organizations functioning within the Logan County Electric Cooperative service area, for projects that focus on:
- Community Service which assists in meeting basic human needs
- Education and Youth
- Disaster Relief
- Public Safety
- Fire and Rescue
- Individuals involved with catastrophic illness or physical disaster
Grant availability is promoted to area communities and organizations. The OPRU Board reviews and distributes funds quarterly on the first Monday in March, June, September and December.
Application deadline is the second Friday of the month preceding each quarterly board meeting.
- There needs to be a clear need for the project (aligned with the purposes of the ORU program)
- The project effectively addresses an established need, with clear outcomes specified and how the success of the project will be measured
- The organization has (or will have) adequate personnel and administrative support to facilitate the project
- The president, administrative officer and/or board of directors for the official organization must provide a signature of endorsement for each specific project application
- The organization is legally established with the IRS as a 501(a), 501(c), government entity, school, or non-profit foundation.
- Applicant or organizational representative must be available to attend an interview at the quarterly OPRU board meeting.
- If an organization has received funding for a project within the previous 12 months, a report regarding the prior project needs to accompany the new application.
Contributions will generally not be made for:
- Lobbying, political and religious functions
- Fund-raising dinners, raffles and other similar events
- Advertising
- Ongoing operational expenses
- Grants will not normally exceed $5,000 annually for any one group, organization or charity
The following factors will be considered in the evaluation of all funding requests:
- Preference is given to those organizations who primarily serve Logan County citizens
- Potential benefit to area residents and the entire community
- Level of community support for the program, project or the organization requesting the funds
- Administrative capability of the organization to deliver a quality service or program
- Results are achievable and can be evaluated
It is the responsibility of ORU board to evaluate funding requests and allocate contributions accomplish the purposes and intent of these guidelines.
- Complete the application form.
- Attach
- Your organization’s most current financial statement, as well as the financial statement for the previous year. If a financial statement is not available, attach a statement detailing revenue, sources of revenue, program expenditures, administrative expenses and cash/assets on hand.
- Your organization's by-laws.
- An IRS tax-exempt letter, if applicable.
- Provide a detailed project budget demonstrating:
- How grant funds will be spent on this project or program
- Sources and uses of existing program funds

The program was created by Palmetto Electric Cooperative in South Carolina in 1989, and since then it has been adopted by electric cooperatives nationwide. Since its introduction, Operation Round Up has raised more than $50 million for Cooperative communities.
Members round up their monthly electric bill to the next dollar. The extra charge, averaging about $0.50 a month, is accumulated and then put to work by the Operation Round Up board, helping organizations and individuals right here in Logan County.
Here is how it works: Say a member's monthly bill comes to $124.66. The co-op rounds it up to $125.00. The extra $0.34 goes directly to the Operation Round Up Fund.
Each month, your bill will show the amount you donated to Operation Round Up and your bill will show an even dollar amount. We hope every Logan County Cooperative member will participate in Operation Round Up. When more members contribute, more help can be given.
You are automatically a part of Operation Round Up unless you let us know otherwise. If for any reason you choose not to participate, simply let us know. You may opt out of or into the program at any time by simply calling us at (937) 592-4781.
An Operation Round Up board has been developed and is composed of Logan County Electric Cooperative members. The five people on the this board evaluate the ORU applications and make the final decision about who receives grants and the dollar amount that is awarded to the recipient.
Every penny donated to Operation Round Up is spent on enhancing the quality of life for residents of our local communities. And Logan County Electric Cooperative has agreed to pay all necessary administrative costs as our contribution to this program.
Based on the current members participation approximately $2,000 is donated each month for a total of around $24,000 per year. Our hope is each member participates, because the more members who donate, the more grants can be given to the community.
Every Logan County Cooperative member is automatically enrolled in the program, but you can opt out of - or back into - the Operation Round Up program at any time. Simply call the office and we will opt you out donating to the program.